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  1. Eberhard Vogel (* 8.April 1943 in Altenhain, Ortsteil von Frankenberg/Sachsen), geläufiger Spitzname „Matz“, ist ein ehemaliger deutscher Fußballspieler und -trainer.In der höchsten Spielklasse des DDR-Fußballs, der Oberliga, spielte er für den SC / FC Karl-Marx-Stadt und den FC Carl Zeiss Jena.Mit 440 Erstligaeinsätzen ist Vogel der Rekordspieler der DDR-Oberliga.

  2. Eberhard "Ebse" Vogel (born 8 April 1943) is a former German footballer. Career. Vogel played for FC Karl-Marx-Stadt (1961–1970) and FC Carl Zeiss Jena (1970–1982). His 440 appearances for both clubs combined was the record for East German top-flight football.

  3. 6 de mar. de 2024 · Forward Eberhard Vogel was the only member of the 1964 East German team who came back in 1972 at München, this time representing East Germany. The München team also claimed the bronze medal together with the Soviet Union after a 2-2 tie, after extra time.

  4. Forward Eberhard Vogel was the only member of the 1964 East German team who came back in 1972 at München, this time representing East Germany. The München team also claimed the bronze medal together with the Soviet Union after a 2-2 tie, after extra time.

  5. Eberhard Vogel est un footballeur est-allemand, né le 8 avril 1943 à Frankenberg. Il est actuellement entraîneur. Biographie. En tant qu’attaquant, il fut international est-allemand à 74 reprises pour 25 buts, entre 1962 et 1976. Il est le deuxième ...

  6. Everart Vogel (en alemany Eberhard Vogel) (Düsseldorf, 1861 - 1934) fou un filòleg alemany que promocionà la literatura catalana els primers anys del segle xx. Biografia [ modifica ] Filòleg hispanòfil i sobretot catalanòfil, estudià filologia antiga i moderna en les Universitats de Bonn , Munster i Berlín .

  7. Forward Eberhard Vogel was the only member of the 1964 East German team who came back in 1972 at München, this time representing East Germany. The München team also claimed the bronze medal together with the Soviet Union after a 2-2 tie, after extra time.