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  1. Hace 22 horas · In addition, the large fiber optic pipes that cross the oceans are owned by a handful of corporations linked to intelligence services, as shown in his revelations by former U.S. intelligence agent Edward Snowden. Therefore, it is not Cuba that has a long and documented tradition of hacking, spying and controlling the Internet.

  2. Hace 22 horas · The credibility of the US intelligence apparatus has been marred by a series of scandals, from Snowden to WikiLeaks, exposing the wolves within the sheep's clothing. The world now sees through their facade, recognizing that those crying wolf are often the wolves themselves. As a nation steadfast in safeguarding its sovereignty, security, and ...

  3. Hace 22 horas · Jean-Michel Jarre

  4. 9 de sept. de 2024 · Jaishankar's remarks, on the surface, seem to defend India's China policy in recent years. Their internal logic is as follows: Because China is a "bad guy," it has created a "China problem" for ...

  5. Hace 22 horas · Cyber-espionage atau spionase siber kini menjadi medan pertempuran utama antara negara, kelompok non-negara, bahkan aktor individual. Contoh paling mencolok adalah serangan siber yang terjadi pada infrastruktur kritis suatu negara, seperti jaringan listrik, bank, atau sistem transportasi. Lembaga intelijen masa kini harus mengembangkan strategi ...

  6. Hace 22 horas · 8. /. /1. ORGANISERS have hailed Keighley Show as a success – despite the event facing possible cancellation just weeks ago. Work being carried out on a crumbling section of River Aire banking, on the edge of the Marley playing fields venue, had rendered a chunk of the site out of bounds and put a question mark over the show.

  7. Hace 22 horas · Wappen der Stadt London. London ist der Geburtsort zahlreicher prominenter Persönlichkeiten. Diese Liste zählt Personen auf, die im Großraum London geboren wurden. Es werden alle Gebiete berücksichtigt, die seit 1965 zum Verwaltungsgebiet Greater London gehören. Dazu zählen neben der historischen City of London auch die County of London, Middlesex sowie Teile von Essex, Hertfordshire ...

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