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6 de sept. de 2024 · Today we are excited to release a feature to auto-sync subtitles during playback. This feature requires Plex Pass for the server admin the account using the playback device.
23 de ene. de 2024 · I have two servers, one that has been running for almost 10 years and one running since last summer. I activated status sync when I installed the new server and it is working fairly well for everything I have watched after that and some of the old stuff have been synced. But not everything is synced, specially very old stuff that I watched several years ago. With it ever sync? Is there a way ...
20 de ago. de 2013 · Bienvenidos al mundo PLEX Media Center Descubrí por pura casualidad este gestor de contenidos multimedia, muy similar a XBMC, pero mucho más sencillo de configurar. La intención de este post no es otra que la de facilitar la instalación y puesta en marcha del sistema PLEX. He dividido mi post en varios puntos, perdonad si lo veis demasiado amplio, pero os aseguro que la gran mayoría de la ...