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Kate Elizabeth Winslet (Reading, Inglaterra, 5 de octubre de 1975) es una actriz británica de cine, televisión y teatro. Ha trabajado mayoritariamente en películas independientes, particularmente en dramas de época, y suele interpretar personajes complejos.
Known for her roles as headstrong and complicated women in independent films, particularly period dramas, she has received numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a Grammy Award, two Primetime Emmy Awards, five BAFTA Awards and five Golden Globe Awards.
5 de oct. de 2022 · Kate Winslet: Biografía, películas, fotos y curiosidades. Hay estrellas que vienen y van, pero Kate Winslet es un valor seguro en Hollywood. Y lo es por méritos propios: desde los años 90,...
Kate holds the distinction of being the youngest actor ever honored with four Academy Award nominations (she received her fourth at age 29). As of 2016, she has been nominated for an Oscar seven times, winning one of them: she received the Best Actress Oscar for the drama The Reader (2008) , playing a former concentration camp guard.
Kate Winslet es una actriz y guionista nacida el año 1975 en Reino Unido conocida por: Titanic, ¡Olvídate de mí!, The Reader (El lector), Descubriendo Nunca Jamás, Un dios salvaje, Revolutionary Road, La vida de David Gale, Sentido y sensibilidad, The Holiday (Vacaciones) y Contagio.
26 de may. de 2024 · La actriz, ganadora de un Oscar por la película The Reader, nos reúne a un grupo reducido de periodistas de todo el mundo en Mousehole, un pueblo pesquero en el extremo sur de Cornualles,...
4 de mar. de 2024 · Reconocida como una de las mejores actrices de su generación, Kate Winslet no se ha prodigado demasiado en televisión desde que saltó al estrellato.
Hace 2 días · After wartime horrors, the photographer – now the subject of a biopic, Lee, with Kate Winslet – moved to Farleys. "It gave her the incentive to heal herself", her son tells the BBC.
Kate holds the distinction of being the youngest actor ever honored with four Academy Award nominations (she received her fourth at age 29). As of 2016, she has been nominated for an Oscar seven times, winning one of them: she received the Best Actress Oscar for the drama The Reader (2008) , playing a former concentration camp guard.
Hace 4 días · Kate Winslet, English actress known for her sharply drawn portrayals of spirited and unusual women. She won an Academy Award for her performance in The Reader (2008). Other notable films included Titanic (1997), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), and Steve Jobs (2015).