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  1. Hace 2 días · El poeta y editor retoma consideraciones vertidas en su libro "Poesía y cine" a partir de las manifestaciones artísticas y metodológicas de la cineasta norteamericana Maya Deren, destacada realizadora de cine experimental de los años 40 del siglo anterior, para desarrollar el concepto de cinepoema. 15 de mayo de 2024 - 02:17. El ...

  2. Hace 1 día · Mix of three Maya Deren Films to tell a story!

  3. Hace 3 días · 5 - 18 May 2024: Close-Up on Maya Deren Programme 1. Programme 1. Meshes of the Afternoon Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid, 1943, 14 min. “It was amid the turmoil of the Second World War that Deren collaborated with Czech cinematographer Alexander Hammid to make her surreal 14-minute debut, in which Deren herself appears as the ...

  4. Hace 3 días · Meditation on Violence (1949) A young Oriental man with a headscarf and bare torso shadowboxes indoors in front of a series of unadorned walls, light, dark, both shades. He is then shown exercising outside with a sword in an area surrounded by a low stone wall and overlooking a river, before there is a return to the first sequence.

  5. Hace 1 día · Los poemas en mayason textos que, como las demás muestras líricas, buscan expresar sentimientos, ideas, amor y pensamientos filosóficos. Los mayas también emplean la poesía para reflejar sus rituales religiosos y sus valores espirituales.La poesía maya se caracteriza por la musicalidad.

  6. Maya Deren (1917-1961) was a Ukrainian-born American avantgarde film artist. Her work in the 1940s (including Meshes of the Afternoon, 1943; At Land, 1944) has been very influential, notably with director David Lynch.

  7. Hace 5 días · Maya Deren in Meshes of the Afternoon • Directed by Maya Deren However, Maya Deren's 1943 debut Meshes of the Afternoon remains her unassailable magnum opus, and is widely considered the most important film in the history of the American avant-garde; a claim substantiated by Meshes' preservation in the National Film Registry and its ranking as the BBC's 40th greatest American film ever made.