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Nebraska es uno de los cincuenta estados que, junto con Washington D. C., forman los Estados Unidos de América. Su capital es Lincoln y su ciudad más poblada, Omaha . Se ubica en la región Medio Oeste del país, división Centro Noroeste , limitando al norte con Dakota del Sur , al este con el río Misuri que lo separa de Iowa y Misuri , al ...
Nebraska is the 16th largest state by land area, with just over 77,220 square miles (200,000 km 2). With a population of over 1.9 million, it is the 38th most populous state and the 7th least densely populated. Its capital is Lincoln, and its most populous city is Omaha, which is on the Missouri River.
23 de ene. de 2024 · Nebraska is located in the Midwestern United States, sharing borders with South Dakota to the north, Iowa and Missouri to the east, Kansas to the south, and Colorado and Wyoming to the west. It covers an area of 77,358 mi 2 (200,356 km 2), ranking as the 16th largest state in the United States.
6 de sept. de 2024 · Nebraska, constituent state of the U.S. It was admitted to the union as the 37th state in 1867. It is bounded by South Dakota to the north, Iowa and Missouri to the east, Kansas and Colorado to the south, and Colorado and Wyoming to the west. Its capital city is Lincoln.
Nebraska (oficialmente, y en inglés, State of Nebraska) es uno de los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos de América, situado en la región de las Grandes Llanuras, en el Medio Oeste del país.
Vacaciones en Nebraska y sus lugares turísticos. Nebraska tiene maravillas en todas las direcciones: vastas praderas en el este, majestuosos acantilados y cimas en el oeste, y dunas de arena en el centro, lo que hará que tu viaje sea tan pintoresco como divertido.
With wide-open skies in the heart of the USA, Nebraska has countless wonders: vast prairies, majestic cliffs and peaks, scenic sand dunes, and rich historic and cultural attractions.
11 de may. de 2023 · Often overlooked as a travel destination, Nebraska is a state of warm-hearted people, interesting natural attractions, and inviting cities. Lincoln, the state capitol, and Omaha are the two main population centers.
Make your Nebraska trip an unforgettable experience. Discover all there is to see and do throughout the state.
21 de ago. de 2024 · Nebraska, known as the “Cornhusker State,” is famous for its vast great plains, pioneer history, agricultural production and college football.