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  1. Ordinary People. by Bud Clayman. In a series of recurring essays on films that relate to mental health, I would like to remember as they say, an oldie but goodie. That film is Ordinary People, which won the Best Picture Oscar for 1980. This film actually makes me tear up every time I watch it.

  2. Ordinary People: Directed by Robert Redford. With Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Judd Hirsch, Timothy Hutton. The accidental death of the older son of an affluent family deeply strains the relationships among the bitter mother, the good-natured father and the guilt-ridden younger son.

  3. Ordinary People is een prachtig gemaakt en boeiend familiedrama, vol onderhuidse spanningen en tragedie, dat destijds vier Oscars won, waaronder die voor beste film en beste regie. Ook Timothy Hutton won een Oscar, voor de beste mannelijke bijrol, en hij is daarmee de jongste acteur die dat ooit presteerde. Prachtfilm. 4,5*

  4. Parents say ( 3 ): Kids say ( 3 ): ORDINARY PEOPLE is a hard-hitting movie about emotional honesty. It's about the courage and emotional vocabulary that are necessary for the connections and intimacy we need to be able to survive challenges like the tragedy faced by this family. The characters represent a wide variety of approaches and ...

  5. ORDINARY PEOPLE. Early morning. A bus is carrying seven soldiers to an unknown destination. Among them is 20-year-old Dzoni, a recent recruit who has trouble fitting in. They arrive at an abandoned farm in the middle of a field. Disturbed by the mystery surrounding their mission, Dzoni attempts unsuccessfully to find out what is expected of them.

  6. Conrad acaba de salir del hospital después de haber intentado suicidarse a raíz de la muerte de su hermano en un accidente. Mantiene una relación muy tensa con su madre y vive atormentado por sentimientos de culpa. Aunque visita todas las semanas a un psiquiatra, no se siente a gusto hasta que conoce a una compañera del coro y empiezan a ...

  7. 4 de abr. de 2016 · Gente Corriente (Ordinary people, 1980) es un ejemplo de cómo encontrar una buena dosis de psicología en el mundo del cine. Dirigida por Robert Redford (¡su Opera prima como director!) y galardona por cuatro premios Óscar, varios globos de Oro y otros premios estadounidenses. La película gira en torno a la vida de una familia con dos hijos.