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  1. Ryan Patrick Murphy (Indianápolis, Indiana; 9 de noviembre de 1965) es un productor, guionista, director de cine y televisión estadounidense.

  2. Learn about the life and career of Ryan Murphy, an American television writer, director, and producer. He has created and produced shows like Glee, American Horror Story, and Pose, and won multiple awards.

  3. Ryan Murphy is an American swimmer who specializes in backstroke. He is a five-time Olympic gold medalist and the former world-record holder in the 100-meter backstroke.

  4. › name › nm0614682Ryan Murphy - IMDb

    IMDb provides an extensive overview of Ryan Murphy's career as a writer, director, and producer of TV shows and movies. Learn about his personal life, his activism, his projects, and his awards.

  5. 11 de may. de 2021 · El viernes 14 se estrena 'Halston', la última serie de Ryan Murphy para Netflix... por ahora. Repasamos y ordenamos toos los proyectos del autor más prolífico de la televisión en el siglo XXI.

  6. Learn about the life and career of Ryan Murphy, an American writer, director, and producer of popular shows like Nip/Tuck, Glee, and American Horror Story. Find out his awards, family, trivia, and more on IMDb.

  7. The Watcher (en español: Vigilante) es una serie de televisión original de Netflix de 2022 creada por Ryan Murphy e Ian Brennan. [1]