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  1. Biografía de Telly Savalas, actor y cantante estadounidense de origen griego, famoso por Kojak y Blofeld. Conoce su carrera, sus premios, su familia y su muerte.

  2. Telly Savalas was an American actor, singer and producer, best known for his role as Kojak and his portrayal of Blofeld in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. He was born in New York to Greek parents, served in the Army, and had a long and diverse career in TV and film.

  3. › name › nm0001699Telly Savalas - IMDb

    Telly Savalas. Actor: Kojak. Of Greek descent on both sides, the son of immigrants, Savalas was a soldier during World War II, although most of his enlistment records were destroyed in a fire at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1973.

  4. Telly Savalas - Some Broken Hearts Never Mend • TopPop - YouTube. TopPop was the first regular dedicated pop music TV show in the Dutch language area. Dutch broadcaster AVRO aired the programme...

  5. Learn about the life and career of Telly Savalas, the actor who played Kojak and other tough characters. Find out his birth name, nickname, family, trademark, trivia, quotes and more.

  6. Learn about the life and career of Telly Savalas, the American actor who played the iconic role of Kojak, a bald New York detective with a lollipop habit. Find out his biography, awards, filmography, and trivia on his official website.

  7. Telly Savalas (1922 - 1994) fue un actor y director de Estados Unidos conocido por Doce del patíbulo, Los violentos de Kelly, 007 al servicio secreto de su Majestad, Kojak (Serie de TV), El oro de Mackenna, El diablo se lleva los muertos, Evasión en Atenea, La dimensión desconocida: La muñeca viviente (TV), Al infierno gringo y El desafío ...

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