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  1. Hace 8 horas · Questo documentario raccoglie le voci e le esperienze di quattro tra i più apprezzazi liutai attivi sul territorio altoatesino, che raccontano come è nata la loro passione, come si è andata sviluppando attraverso un originale apprendistato artigianale, come non subisca il passare del tempo e anzi presenti sempre nuovi elementi d’interesse.

  2. Wanderer when they angered Daleks Knight Post So yea this is from the time Wanderer just haaaddd to anger Daleks…..ugh why is this the person who trained me…but yea this is in response to what I said to Wanderer recently , enjoy -Archivist Share Add a Comment. Sort by ...

  3. Hace 8 horas · A humble wanderer's guide to the galaxy, including descriptions of various cultures, tourist hotspots, alien biology, flora and fauna, moral lessons, and a whole lot more fun stuff. If you've got a heart for adventure, this is the journal for you! Chapter 1: Introduction

  4. Hace 8 horas · The island’s geography is marked by its dramatic volcanic origin, which is central to its breathtaking landscapes. The centrepiece of Bora Bora is Mount Otemanu, an extinct volcano 727 meters high. Mount Pahia, another significant peak on the island, complements this towering presence. These mountains contribute to the island’s dramatic ...

  5. Hace 8 horas · 拉老板用丹麦语唱歌跟跟用英语唱歌(指 Am I Evil)感觉好不一样诶 所以现场真的能等到这首的翻唱吗, 视频播放量 34、弹幕量 0、点赞数 3、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 Rover-Wanderer, 作者简介 Load & Reload 传教大使,相关视频:老詹演出中真情流露!

  6. Hace 8 horas · Quattro concerti da non perdere con la grande musica! Domenica 28 aprile. Der Wanderer: l’Ottocento nelle sonate di Schubert e Brahms. Francesca Senatore, viola. Francesca Bandiera, pianoforte. Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828) Sonata in la minore per arpeggione e pianoforte, D. 821. Allegro moderato. Adagio.

  7. Hace 8 horas · 最近不停在种酢浆草,虽然已经种了两百盆了,但任务还是很艰巨啊orbicularis 花虽然很小,叶子还是挺有特色的;fergusoniae 黑矿酢 ;Oxalis sp. Lily ; ... 酢浆草季节开启

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