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Official YouTube Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using YouTube and other answers to frequently asked questions.
To verify your channel, you’ll be asked to enter a phone number. We’ll send a verification code by text or voice call to that phone number.
You can watch and like videos and subscribe to channels with a Google Account. But without a YouTube channel, you have no public presence on YouTube.
To sign in to YouTube, you'll need to create a Google Account. A Google Account lets you use many YouTube features including Like, Subscribe, Watch Later, and Watch History.
These features are only available to partners who use YouTube Studio Content Manager. Below are recommended upload encoding settings for your videos on YouTube. Container: MP4
Official Google Account Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Account and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Puedes encontrar tu historial de búsqueda de YouTube en la págin. Cómo borrar búsquedas específicas. Ve a Mi Actividad Junto a la búsqueda que quieres borrar, haz clic en Borrar .
Para ver YouTube en tu smartphone o tablet, descarga la aplicación YouTube. La aplicación YouTube está disponible para una gran variedad de dispositivos, incluidos teléfonos móviles, smart TVs y dispo
Use the YouTube Studio dashboard to get an overview of your channel analytics, comments and more. View your dashboard To open your dashboard, either:
Centro de asistencia oficial de YouTube donde puedes encontrar sugerencias y tutoriales para aprender a utilizar el producto y respuestas a otras preguntas frecuentes