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  1. Mejor época: finales de noviembre a febrero. No es tan fácil conseguir larvas de mosca de piedra del río Tenryu. Con el fin de cosechar este aperitivo, uno tiene que ser un cazador autorizado que tiene lugar principalmente en invierno. La captura se convierte en una delicadeza especial que se reduce con la soja.

  2. The name Zazamushi (literally ‘insects under the slow current’) refers to a range of species belonging to the families Trichoptera and Megaloptera such as Stenopsyche griseipennis MacLachlan, Hydropsyche sp., Parastenopsyche sauteri Ulmer, Protohermes grandis Thunberg.

  3. Zaza Mushi (Japón) Kaato Glendhill. En la tierra del sol naciente destaca este codiciado y oneroso plato que se prepara con larvas acuáticas provenientes de distintos insectos.

  4. Zaza Mushi (larvas) Este snack está hecho con larvas de todo tipo de insectos que habitan los lechos de ríos con piedras al fondo. Mushi quiere decir insecto y Zaza es el sonido que hace el...

  5. Chawanmushi is a classic Japanese savory egg custard that is steamed in a delicate cup. Here, we season the smooth and silky egg custard with dashi stock and add tender chicken pieces, kamaboko fish cake, and mushrooms. Make this famous appetizer for your guests to experience authentic Japanese home cooking.

  6. Due to their blue-green colour, the locals call them “green insects” (ao-mushi). Kamimuria tibialis has been identified as one of the most collected species of Plecoptera on the Tenryū River. Like most large sized stoneflies , the species is omnivorous and can vary its diet depending on the season .

  7. Traditional insect foods are inago, zàza-mushi, hachinoko, kaiko, maģotaro-mushi and teppo-mushi. In the past these insect foods were important sources of protein, especially in the districts far from the coast, because people could not obtain sufficient meat and fish. 187 188. J. MITSUHASHI.